Let Time Stand Still

The kids have been playing with friends a lot this week. Yesterday we spent the morning at the park with some friends and then walked across the street to feed some of the ducks at the pond. The kids all had a great time, and I enjoyed spending time talking with my friend Angie. She told me that Colton turns 9 in August, and she mentioned that her husband made the comment that Colton will have already spent half of his years of living at home with them by that age. Wow! Did that seem weird! I couldn’t stop thinking about it yesterday and realized even more just how much I need to make time to savor every day with my children because before you know it they will be packing their bags, and that time will be gone. And to add even more salt to this emotional wound, I got rid of all of Abigail’s baby bottles yesterday. She was ready to switch to sippy cups, and I think she feels like a big girl when she gets one and may even prefer them. Sometimes this mommy’s heart just wants to hold on…

*On a funny note, see if you can find the fluffy mohawk on one of the white duck’s head!  We got the biggest kick out of him.  Dare to be different!

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