VBS, Doctor Appointments, and Bike Rides

We have been busy the past few days. Anna and Cody have started Vacation Bible School this week at church, and they seem to really be enjoying it. They told me today that they got to see each other in passing while there. They are both in separate classes. Cody said when he saw Anna, he ran and gave her a big hug. They giggled while telling me this. Then Cody said that one of the boys,Caden, in his class asked him about Anna and said that she is really sweet and cute, oh my!

 Abigail went to the doctor yesterday for her one year checkup. She weighs 19 pounds and is in the 19th percentile for her weight.  She is 29 inches and in the 38th percentile for her length, and she has a head circumference of 45.3 cm and is 51%.  She is still pretty tiny.  While there they told me to take her to the lab downstairs and have her blood drawn to check for iron deficiency (this is standard procedure at this checkup).  I told the kids when we were leaving that we had to stop in at the lab so the nurse could take Abigail’s blood.  Cody stopped me at the door scared for Abby, and he said to me, “Why are they taking her blood???  Then she will die!” Poor boy!  I explained it was just a little bit.  He didn’t think she had much blood in her since she is so tiny he told me. He was so concerned for his baby sister.  Afterwards, Cody said, “Abby was so brave today!  She was braver than I could have been.”  Cody has a HUGE fear of needles. We have witnessed that many times. Ha!

We have been trying to take bike rides in the evening.  I run while Cody and Anna ride their bikes.  Shawn pulls Dylan and Abigail in the bike trailer behind him.  The first time we put Abigail in the trailer she got sooooo excited.  She had no clue what was about to take place, but you could tell she was anticipating something GREAT!  Shawn jokingly spoke her thoughts for her, “I don’t know what we’re doing, but they’ve strapped me in, so it’s gotta be fun!”

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