A Bit of Random And Independence Day Celebrations

Anna’s friend came over for dinner the other night. After eating, the kids played Twister. I guess Abigail was paying close attention because when Cody and Anna got the twister game out the next day, Abigail went right to position! She is so funny!

We got Abigail up from naptime this past weekend, and this is how we found her…shirt pulled over her neck and pants off.  I think she was protesting that Shawn put her in mismatched clothes!

Dylan LOVES taking my dish brush and scrubbing the inside door to my dishwasher.  Sometimes, he says he’s cleaning, other times painting.  Abigail is now his helper.  These two are quite a pair!
Some friends of ours joined us for an early Independence Day celebration last night. Cody and Colton stayed at ladder golf most of the evening, trying to win every colored frog from the prize buckets! When the games were shutting down as everyone took their seats to watch the fireworks, one of the ladies working the ladder golf game found Cody and told him to go pick as many prizes from the bucket as he wanted. What a sweet lady! She made Cody’s day!

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