
We got back last night from from visiting my family in Ohio. We had a family reunion. The theme was Hollywood cinema, so some of us dressed “red carpet style.” It was so much fun and great memories for the kids. Cody loved that he broke the camera reel pinata. He told me that it was a great day, one of the best, because he “got lots of books (from my parents and Aunt Tracy), broke the pinata, and everyone wanted to take his picture (which I think he believes was due to him breaking the pinata)!” Annna told our pediatrician before we left for Ohio that she especially loves going to Grandma and Grandpa’s house because they live back in the woods. Anna and Dylan helped feed the birds for my dad while there. They were on a diet of peanut butter and bird seed which the kids got to fill the feeder with. Abigail showed off her new walking skills. She is still wobbly, but today she was walking even stronger. I need to get some more videos of her before she turns pro! Cody and Anna told me at least 3 times before we left Ohio that they wished we could stay a few more days at Grandma and Grandpa’s. Cody told me the week before we left, “I bet it was so fun living with Grandma and Grandpa! I think it would be fun if I lived with them!” We had a great time!

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