Lemonade Stand

Cody and Anna set up their first lemonade stand the other day, and it was sooooo CUTE!!! They decorated their own signs, and when it was time to go out and sell, Anna says to me, “Sometimes…I get a little shy.” Sweet, sweet girl! She did great! Cody asked me a few times about tax…What to do if people tried to pay tax on their lemonade and how he was supposed to handle that. I love that kid! Such a thinker! Cody shouted the whole time out there things like, “Get some nice, fresh lemonade! It’s good for hard work! Only 25 cents!” Dylan came out after his nap and bought one, and then sat on Anna’s lap while they sold. I thought it was so sweet afterwards that Cody divided the money three ways, to include his little brother who really didn’t do any work at all. That was so kind and caring. Some friends from the neighborhood came by to help sell, and eventually Anna went off to play with some of the girls. Cody stuck to it until every last cup of lemonade was sold. Talk about a dedicated worker! And I must say, there were so many sweet people who came by to buy lemonade from the kids. Cody and Anna were so excited by their sales and the encouraging comments from the people who bought from them that they totally want to do this again!

On a side note, we painted our basement the other weekend.  We had to paint over Anna’s drawings she did on the wall several years ago.  She told me this past weekend that she can remember doing it.  She told me she wanted to draw her family but couldn’t find any paper, sooo she used the wall as her canvas.  Here is a sampling of her art…

And I couldn’t exclude sweet little Abigail. She LOVES playing outside and swinging and also really enjoys drawing with her sidewalk chalk.  She’ll let you know if she is not ready to come in…She will cry this pitiful cry which can completely tug at your heart.  Who needs to make dinner, anyway??  Let’s just play!

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