Lions And Tigers And Bears

I found this note as I was putting Anna’s art projects away the other day. She wrote this note to me before school ended. So guess what we did this weekend!
We had such a fun time.  Dylan told us he wanted to see a jaguar while at the zoo.  He loves watching Diego cartoons with the baby jaguar in them, so he was hoping to see one in real life.  We couldn’t find the jaguar in his open area outside, and then a young girl who was there pointed it out to us.  It was sleeping under some shade trees.  Dylan was so happy he got to see one!  The tiger that was across the way from the jaguar kept making deep roaring sounds.  I have NEVER heard a tiger like that before!  Dylan kept imitating it, so I got a video of him at the zoo doing his tiger impersonation! It was really pretty amazing the strong, deep sound that was coming from the tiger as the tiger barely even had to move his mouth to make such sounds. I got a picture of Dylan with the jaguar sign before we left…

 The penguins still seem to be a favorite with the kids.  Abigail laughed as they swam by her and splashed.  Cody and Dylan stayed a little longer to watch the puffins with Shawn.  They came out laughing, telling us girls how the puffin on the top ledge went to the restroom on some puffins’ heads below it!  The boys thought this was hilarious! We met several nice people there, offering us their carousel and train ride passes that they were not going to use for the day and offering to take our picture so we could all be in it. Sweet, huh?! I just love the kindness of strangers…makes the world so much sweeter! It was a fun morning, and I was so glad we went! 

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