Little Rasals

It has been a whirlwind of a weekend, but so great! I will share just a few of the fun things we did. Friday we went with some friends to Zachary’s Playground and played in the splash park there as well as on the playground equipment. Cody and Colton played snake tag and Hero Factory while there. Anna doted and cared for Abigail much of the time. She loves having a baby sister! That night we went with friends to the Rascals baseball game. We laughed sooo hard there and had so much fun with each other. I love how the kids get along so well together. Toward the end of the game we got in line for the bounce house there. There was a bully in line who my friend Jennifer had to remind to use his “kind words.” We thought for sure he was going to just charge our children in the bounce house and knock all the little children down. Jennifer and I positioned ourselves on each side of the bounce house to keep order. Ha! When the kid got in the bounce house all he did was stand like a flamingo the whole time (a very clumsy flamingo, but a flamingo). He told Jennifer he was a yoga teacher and had four students in his class. The boy looked to be around eight years old. We couldn’t believe it…The kid was so pushy and impatient to get in the bounce house, and that was All he did. There were so many funny situations that night that it was so good just to get together with friends and laugh. We took Anna’s friend Avery to the game with us. Afterwards, she wanted to spend the night, so we had our first sleepover that night. I didn’t sleep very well, just praying Avery didn’t get homesick. She didn’t and wanted to spend the whole next day with us. I guess that is a sign of a good sleepover!

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