15 Months

I took Abigail to the doctor this afternoon. She weighs 20 lbs. 6 oz, and is in the 39th percentile. She is 30 1/4 inches long putting her in the 41st percentile. Her head circumference is 45.3 cm and is in the 41st percentile. She seems to be the most verbal of our babies at this age, maybe I am just not remembering correctly. She just seems to say things that surprise me constantly. The other day she handed something to me and said, “Here you go.” She also says “Thank you.” Manners are so important, you know! She is a good eater, and likes to try to make us laugh. Tonight at dinner she kept squinting her eyes at us and giggling just to put a smile on our faces. This weekend I took some photos of her at this age, and I LOVE them and all the bright colors. These little guys paint my world with happiness!

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