Back To School Bash

We had a great morning at the Back To School Bash through CCC.  My friends Angie and Kristen were there with their children too, and my kids have so much fun playing with their children.  The weather was gorgeous, around 75 degrees.  There were so many activities set up for the kids, but our kids seemed mostly interested in just playing on the playground with each other.  It was fun spending time with Kristen and Angie just talking, sharing stories, and laughing.  We are in the same season of life right now.  So when Angie had to leave because her almost 3 year old “went poopy” in his underwear after just being taken to the restroom (She seriously questions why she couldn’t have picked a better time to begin potty training) I totally understand and get it.  We can laugh together and find the humor in it.  Or when we FINALLY get all the kids corralled for a group photo and Cody shouts “Spider!”, dumps Abby off his lap, while all the other children scurry away…we laugh at the chaos in this time of our lives.  But what I love most about these friends is not only do they see the chaos, but they see the joy in it.  Not only do they look at the messes in their lives and homes right now, but they are grateful to be able to experience each and every day with the little ones who make them. They see the worth in their boys and girls, and they speak well of them.  They talk about the challenges of parenting or homeschooling, but you know they would never trade these days for anything in the world.  I love being surrounded by such positive friends.  They are a constant encouragement to my soul!

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