Festival Of The Little Hills

We went to the Festival of the Little Hills yesterday.  Past years it has been so hot and miserable to go, but this year the weather was perfect!  We ate at a new restaurant (well, new to us, at least).  It is called Magpie’s, and the food was so yummy, and the workers were so friendly.  We ate out on their patio.  We shopped for awhile.  I found some beautiful wooden angel ornaments and some wooden roses for the girls’ room.  We stopped and ate ice cream at Riverside Sweets.  I think that is the whole reason the kids love going to the festival!  There was a sign at the cash register that said “You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy ice cream, and that’s kind of the same thing.” Cute! I took some one year (I know late, right?) photos of Abigail this weekend also.  I will put those in my next post!  They turned out so adorable!

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