First Day Of School

Today Cody started third grade and Anna began first grade. Today I started my fourth year of homeschooling. It was a PERFECT kind of day. Cody and Anna have been sooo excited about starting back to school. They do so well, and as Cody was shutting his computer down today he said something again about how much he loves school and how much he loves science. Both he and Anna do so well, and Dylan is working on counting this year, among other things. Today I felt like I did a good job. We started the morning off with yummy bakery donuts for breakfast. Then we played a review game to see what we remembered from last year. Each time they answered correctly they got to shoot silly string across the deck. That made for some fun giggles to start our day. Dylan painted and worked on puzzles and counting straws while Cody and Anna did their schoolwork. We took a break after lunch to go to Cody’s martial arts class. Anna finished school early today with an art project, a How-To-Draw a Bunny project. The day ran smoothly and was so enjoyable. I hope the rest of the school year goes so well. I LOVED watching my kids learning and enjoying today!

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