Good Day To Ride

We went to Six Flags this past weekend. Cody and Anna had earned free tickets through the reading program last school year. There were thunderstorms when we woke up that morning, but it looked from the weather map that the storms would pass. The storms did pass by the time we got there, but I think due to the storms and the fact that it was tax free weekend at stores in the area, we did not have to wait very long in the lines. It was a great day to go. Cody rode the Superman ride for the first time while there and loved it! He tricked me into going on the Screamin’ Eagle with him also. In the middle of the line I said to him, “Now the Screamin’ Eagle isn’t a wooden roller coaster is it?” He told me noooo. What a joke! When the ride ended he said, “I knew it was wooden, but I just wanted you to go on it!” Very funny, Cody! I thought every nut and bolt was about to come flying off while on there! Cody managed to keep his hands up almost the entire ride, and Anna braved it a few times also. Dylan loved the Bugs Bunny park there, and Abigail LOVED playing in any water that we came across. I love that she got to enjoy it also with her older brothers and sister.

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