Sharks In The Water

We told the kids we would take them to the swimming pool in our subdivision this past Sunday. When we woke up Sunday morning it was storming, so we went to Plan B… swimming at the Renaud. They have a lazy river there and a “whirlpool” that sucks you in. I had so much fun chasing Cody and Anna through the lazy river with Dylan in my arms. Cody was sneaky and would try to catch me off guard and grab a hold of my ankles. He pretended to be a shark in this shark-infested water. Dylan and I laughed so hard as we dodged buckets of water that poured on our heads as we went through the lazy river. Anna giggled as I grabbed on to the tips of her fingers as I floated past her, trying to rescue her from the whirlpool that was drawing her in. We had so much fun that day. I think the rain was actually a blessing.

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