Catching Up

Over the past month I have had my wisdom teeth taken out (which turned into a long ordeal), homeschool has started up, and sickness has spread throughout the house. We are all doing great now, but my blog has had little attention as a result. I will try to catch up on it a little bit at a time this week. My parents and sister got to visit over Labor day weekend. I think it rained all weekend, so we stayed indoors mostly. My mom brought some things to make fairy jars with the kids.  They were so neat! And who says fairy jars have to be for girls only??…Cody and Dylan loved them!
My parents gave the kids a goody bag of their own when they arrived.  Cody wanted me to post a photo of him with his crazy eye that he grew from his bag.  He was convinced that if he squinted with one eye shut everyone would be shocked and believe his eye actually fell
out!  Are you gasping?!


 Abigail loved snuggles with my mom and loved walking across the floor on my dad’s feet.  She would follow him around, waving her hands for more.  Funny thing is, when my dad left I tried this with her, and she was unimpressed.  I tried again later, and she again walked away.  Grandpa must do this one best!

We watched the Lorax the last night they were here.  Aunt Tracy bought the kids some Loraz pencils and paper from Target.  They were thrilled and couldn’t wait  to use their pencils for school that week!
Speaking of school, we have had a great start to our year.  I really love all we have been doing.  I found some fun games to help with the learning process.  When the weather is nice we get to do some of our school outdoors.
Cody last year declared September 5 as our dog Tigger’s birthday.  He has been anxiously waiting for this day for a year now (Cody that is, not Tigger)!  He picked the date at random, and when he was writing the date on his school paper the morning of the 5th, he remembered what he had declared a year ago.  That evening we bought cupcakes for us and doggy treats and toys for Tigger.  Tigger also got his own personal colorful lollipops!
Dylan started choir this year. He was so excited to finally be big enough!  I told him not to grow TOO fast, though!  Here they are in their choir shirts for this new year.  I just love the color of them!  And, yes, Cody was glad to be back in Kidz Praise…this is just the face of eight!

 And, speaking of faces, check out these crazy ones below!  Love them.

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