
This past Saturday was the first day of fall. I thought it would be fun to make up my yummy, sweetened Chex Mix recipe and let the kids ding-dong-ditch a few close friends of theirs and their families with a Chex Mix present. I was not familiar with the term ding-dong-ditch until we moved to Missouri. All it is is ringing someone’s doorbell and running off before they open it. Annoying, right? Sweet, though, when done with a gift. I remember delivering homemade cards to the elderly in my neighborhood this way when I was a kid. In fact, when I was selling Girl Scout cookies to one of the houses a while later, I saw my card hanging on the lady’s refrigerator, so I think it must have meant a lot to her. Cody, Anna, and Dylan got caught at, I think, every single house they delivered to, but you could hear them on the way home every time because laughter filled the air! I would say to Shawn each time, “Here they come!” I made up an extra bag last minute for a couple who was just on my heart. I told Cody and Anna not to ding-dong-ditch them but just to hand them the gift and say “Happy fall!” I watched from the window as they walked over to the house, and it dawned on me that I never told Dylan that they weren’t going to ding-dong-ditch at that house. I saw the woman’s door open up, and I saw Dylan scrambling, feet moving as fast as they could, shouting, “Run!!” It was so funny! Happy fall, everyone!

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