Squirt Bottles

I found some squirt bottles at the dollar bin at Target the other day. I bought some for the kids to have water fights with. I grabbed Abby’s bottle to sneak attack Cody, Anna, and Dylan. I tried to be casual as I approached them, but Anna was too clever and shouted a warning out to her brothers. I was quickly outnumbered. It was so much fun for me to be able to run around the front yard with them, chasing each other. It is fun to just act like a kid again sometimes! And, let me tell you, for a small spray bottle, you can really get SOAKED! Anna wanted to mix food coloring into her bottle to spray art onto a piece of paper. That can really look neat when using a lot of different, bright colors. Just be sure to be very certain ALL traces of food coloring are out of the bottle before starting a water war. The shirt is in the wash now…We’ll see how it comes out! (Smile)

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