Worst Day Of My Life

We went to Eckert’s several weekends ago to pick apples. After we got off the ferry we stopped at an ice cream shop and got several flavors to eat outside. Once we arrived at Eckert’s the kids wanted to play on the playground there and see the goats. After playing awhile Shawn stopped at the store there to make some change to feed the goats. We decided we should feed the goats after picking apples since we only had one hour left to pick. We had so much fun on the tractor ride out to the orchard and enjoyed picking out the best apples and eating some along the walk. As we were finishing up we saw some dark clouds rolling in. We decided we had better get on the next tractor ride back to the barn. I think we just got seated on the tractor when the rain started. It was light at first, but that quickly changed. It became a HUGE downpour! Abigail began crying, so Shawn and I placed her between ourselves, and we just hugged on to her to shelter her from the pounding rain. The ride back to the barn seemed to take forever and was not that joyous ride we took on the way out to the orchard. Cody, Anna, and Dylan did NOT like the huge downpour, on top of everyone on the tractor ride making a great shout about it. But they dealt with it. Once back at the barn, we had to pay for our apples. It was sooo cold to us at that point. I saw a door with cardboard boxes behind it that I took the kids to hide behind while Shawn paid. That gave some shelter from the wind and warmed us a little. We waited for the rain to calm a little before heading out to the parking lot. I could feel my shorts drooping in the back from the weight of the rain. Anna said to me on the way back to the car, “Mom, you know that thing you wear under your shirt?…Well, I can see it.” Oh my! We never did get to feed the goats, and the beautiful, scenic 45 minute drive felt so much longer on the way home. We cranked the heat up, and I could hear Anna say to Cody in the backseat, “This was the worst day of my life!”

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