Fritz’s And T-Rex Cafe

While in Kansas City we visited a couple restaurants that sounded fun.  The first one was Fritz’s, where a small train delivers your food to the table.  I thought it was funny that we had to order our food from a phone at our table.  Shawn forgot fries when ordering, so the train came to our table twice, double excitement!  The kids favorite restaurant, though, was T-Rex, where they had animatronic dinosaurs throughout the building.  Dylan was very apprehensive about passing by the huge dinosaur at thr front of the restaurant.  Later, when he got some distance away, he taunted the dinosaur repeatedly as we waited to be seated, “Here I am.  You can’t get me!”  Shawn grabbed him from behind, though, and sent this brave boy jumping!  The kids got brushes to go on a fossil dig.  Dylan was dedicated as he brushed over bones built into the ground.  He did not want to go sit down when it was time to eat because he had not found anymore dinosaur bones of his own.  We told him it was just pretend; I think he probably questioned why he spent so much time searching in the dirt and sand then. (Smile)  Shawn ordered ribs and tried to pretend that the rib bones were actually dinosaur bones that he had found, but Dylan was not interested in “slippery bones!”  They loved the place, and I equally loved the meal I got there…so yummy!

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