We’ve Gone Country

Saturday we went to the farm across the street from us to see the animals and find our way through their corn maze. I really like the family who owns the farm and opens it up to the public each year. I LOVE going every fall, so much more than the commercialized pumpkin patches in the area. I was so happy to see all the new animals that the family has gotten and glad to see that the family is prospering…they seem to be such sweet people. Abigail fell IN LOVE with the kittens there! There was one kitten, in particular, who was so sweet with Abby. This little kitten was the PERFECT size for Abigail, and it just let Abby tote it around like a sweet little stuffed animal. Cody declared he wants a mommy cat some day. I didn’t realize that the sippy cup I brought for Abigail did not have a stopper in it. Abby discovered that if she tipped it over the cats would drink up the milk. She had fun feeding them from her sippy cup (see photo below!) Every year Shawn is convinced the map for the corn maze is messed up. He had just informed me that he was completely turned around, when we all stumbled on one of the markers we were supposed to find. Shawn led us there, but he thought we were at the complete opposite end of the map and was looking for a completely different marker. Cody never heard him tell me he was lost in the maze, so when Cody discovered the marker Shawn led us to he shouted to Shawn, “You’re a genius!” Ha! Dylan tried to be like his big brother and sister and “read” his map.” He would tell us in an important tone, “We need to go this way now.” I glanced down at his map, and he was reading it upside down! We made it out of the maze in time to see the kittens one more time before it got dark. It was a fantastic day on the farm!

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