Crunchy Cornbread

Saturday night Anna got her shower and played some UNO with me while Tigger snuggled up next to her. After playing we sat down to eat. Anna asked during dinner if she did not have to eat her cornbread. She had taken a bite and said it was crunchy. I told her it shouldn’t be crunchy, and then we realized her tooth had fallen out! She was so happy! As she went to place her tooth in the tooth pillow she hesitated, “Mom, could we do this another night?” See, she had told and showed her friends her loose tooth and wanted to show them her tooth now that it was out before the tooth fairy took it. This made Shawn and me discuss telling her that the tooth fairy was really us. She is friends with a lot of older girls, and one of them is pretty blunt. We thought she may find out the scoop from one of them , so we decided to tell her (and Cody.) She processed it and smiled. I asked her what she thought of that, and she told me she wanted to write to me how she felt. So she got out a pen and paper and slipped me her note. It read, “Cool!” She still wanted to slip the tooth under her pillow and have us sneak in that night to see if she could catch us. In the morning she came in with a big smile and greeted me, “Tooth Fairy Mommy!” Cody and her did great learning about the “tooth fairy.” I think this was largely due to the fact that when they asked where their other teeth were that had already fallen out I could show them. A little gross, I know, but I had each tooth saved. I meant to only keep the first tooth, but my friend said she saved all of her children’s. I thought maybe I would have teeth regrets or something, as silly as that sounds! I am glad they were estatic over it, but I seriously am okay now with only keeping their first tooth. That is sweet. The other just feels creepy! Ha! And that is my weird confession for the day!

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