Feel Like Dancing

Cody met with the hemotologist today and also his GI doctor. I feel like a weight has been lifted today. Cody’s hemoglobin level is up to 9.5 now, so I am confident it will just keep rising with the iron pills he is taking. He can now join his martial arts class again. After meeting with Dr. Brady, I left feeling some relief that we have a plan of action to figure out the cause of the bleeding that is going on inside of Cody. The plan sounds so neat for an 8 year old boy and sounds like something straight out of The Magic Schoolbus book series. After insurance gives approval, Cody is going to swallow a pill which has a camera inside that will take photos of the small intestines that Dr. Brady couldn’t see. She wants to rule out Crohn’s Disease and check for an AV malformation. She said the stomach discomfort Cody often has may be a completely separate issue from the bleeding and is common for many children. Today, though, has been Cody’s first official day of going gluten-free for meals. Shawn and I wanted to give this a try for a few months just to make sure he doesn’t have some sort of gluten intolerance, however small it may be. Shawn took a picture of Cody with his phone while at the hemotologist’s office this morning. Cody was trying his hand at the Dance Revolution game! He and Anna were doing great with the dance at one point. Their timed stomps sounded awesome together with Anna’s boots!

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