Wall of Art

We were headed out to do some early Christmas shopping last night and stopped at a mural that we sometimes see as we take a back road out to the mall. We thought we would stop this time and check out the artwork and get some possible school photos. We had to cross a fairly busy street on foot to get there. The kids thought this was soooo fun trying to “dodge” cars to get across. Okay, so it was not as unsafe as it sounds…I just remember Cody saying, “Run?” Shawn responded, “No, not yet.” A second later, “Now run!!” They laughed at the thrill in it. Ha! What I love most about the pictures is that the kids were loving on each other and giggling the whole time. I am thankful they have each other and that I have them. Abby did get her feelings hurt about something at one point, though. I don’t know what it was, but I got a picture of it on camera. She was quickly over it, but doesn’t she make the cutest pouty faces??  (See photo below.)

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