18 Months

Abby is about to turn 19 months, so I figure it is about time I post her 18 month doctor statistics! Abigail weighs 22 pounds 1 ounce, putting her in the 42nd percentile for weight. She is 32 inches now and in the 53rd percentile. Her head is 46 inches, right at the 50th percentile. She has opinions now and lets us know what she wants. She is very shy (or scared) of other people right now, but I imagine she will grow out of that soon. Even when friends from the neighborhood (whom she sees all the time at our house) come over to play, she gets very panicked if they get near her. Poor thing. She is a bundle of energy and loves to be silly. She is starting to hit, so Shawn put her in her first time-out the other day. That was a little sad, but I know it is good for her. She is also very loving and tender, though, and her brothers and sister just adore her. The other day Cody was in the living room (sans shirt) practicing his form for martial arts. I found Abby in her dress clothes, kicking and punching right along with him. We laughed so hard over that! We went to the store the other day, and an older gentleman commented to me, “Some awfully cute kids you have there!” I had to agree. They are pretty cute…Love them from the inside out! We love you, Abigail, opinions and all!

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