Christmas Joy

We are having a great Christmas break! I think I will just share some photos from the past few days of some of the things we have been up to. Cody and Anna enjoyed stringing popcorn for our tree this year. We thought about stringing it along our deck for the birds to enjoy, but Cody was very passionate about it going on our tree. Dylan and Abby entertained themselves during this time making artwork and feeding Tigger Cheerios. They got the biggest kick out of this, and I managed to get a video of it to prove it.


Every year we have made it a tradition to go see a play at Christmastime.  This year we saw White Christmas.  A couple of older girls from our church who Cody and Anna know were in the play, so Anna wanted her picture with Emily.  Cody asked if he could get his photo with the general.  Cody loved this character!


We made Zucchini Bread for a couple neighbors and treats for the kids’ teachers.  We also decorated some oranges with cloves and made the house smell so good.  The kids were creative with theirs!


 We traveled to my parents’ house for Christmas.  I think one memory they will remember always is Uncle Dan dressing up as Santa and delivering candy to them at bedtime.  Cody was the most enthusiastic about seeing Santa.  Even though we let him know several months ago that Santa, as we hear about him in stories, isn’t truly real, he still wants to believe it so much and is thoroughly convinced he met and talked with Santa that night at Grandma and Grandpa’s!  Anna, however, was skeptical, asking Shawn when Santa walked in, “Daddy, why does Santa sound like Uncle Dan?”  A second later she turns to Shawn, “Because it IS Uncle Dan!”   She is very clever!  Last night at the grocery store an older man asked the kids if Santa came to their house this year.  Cody told the man all about it.  He enjoyed hearing the story so much and was surprised to hear that Santa actually CAME and SPOKE with them!  He told them that they must be very special kids and been really good this year for Santa to make special time to see them!  The boys agreed, while Anna just shook her head and smiled at me…Ha!

Dylan got a Spiderman costume for Christmas.   He wanted one so badly!  For the past month or so he would put on garden gloves and crawl around the floor with them, pretending to be Spiderman scaling a wall!

Aunt Tracy sent the kids home with a Gingerbread house kit.  They decorated it with their friend Emma.  We looked at lights that evening.  Our favorite house is just a couple miles from our home.  They have lights set to music, and it is by far the BEST!  Merry Christmas!


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