Journey To Bethlehem

We are having fun celebrating Christmas this month. We had donuts with Santa Saturday morning. I just love how authentic our Santa Claus feels and how warm and special he makes the kids feel. He greets them with, “Oh, I’ve been waiting for you!” He told Cody, Anna, and Dylan that Mrs. Claus thought his tummy was getting a little too big. He asked them what they thought. They assured him that they didn’t think so; then Santa let out his most jolly laugh!  I love whoever that man is under that beard…He is just great playing the role of Santa! That night we went to Journey to Bethlehem, an interactive walk through the story of Jesus’ birth. Part of it is indoors, but most of it is outdoors. We were given a paper with our new Biblical names. We had to go on a journey, past the Roman soldiers, past the marketplace, past the shepherds and the angels, and pay our taxes to the government, all while hearing the Christmas story as if we were a part of those traveling along with Mary and Joseph. It was INCREDIBLE!!! The kids got to pet chickens in the marketplace. They were given cheese and crackers to eat. They participated in a dance that circled its way around one of the rooms. We made our way to the inn where Jesus was born, and they wrapped up the story there at the manger. Amazing!! Then we were escorted to a room inside where they had cookies and hot chocolate for all the families. What an awesome way to celebrate Christ’s birth! The kids and Shawn and I LOVED it! Shawn snapped one, and only one, photo while there…It was dark outside and, honestly, those mean Roman soldiers played their role very well that we both said later we were afraid of being called out for snapping their photo. Ha! They were good! We have been baking and decorating around our house, but Journey To Bethlehem has been my favorite thing so far. Merry Christmas!

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