More Than Tinsel And Lights

This past Sunday Cody, Anna, and Dylan had their Christmas concert at church. It was fantastic! Dylan seemed so comfortable on stage, and actually sang along to the music! At one point, Shawn and I were laughing in the balcony as we watched Dylan really getting into it, lips pooched out and all (see photo below!)  He patted his legs to the clippety-clop of the donkeys, and he showed us his lizard tongue during the bells. He kept sticking his tongue out at practice the day before also! Anna looked beautiful and just as sweet as ever in her angel costume as they put on a nativity scene. Her teacher said it wasn’t a stretch casting her as an angel for the play. Cody did an amazing job during the God Rods performance at the end. He seemed so at ease, and the audience began almost cheering toward the end of it (the scene where Jesus arose from the dead three days later.) We went with friends to the park today, and one of my friends went on about how amazing that whole scene was. It was a FABULOUS evening and a great way to worship and remember Who we are celebrating during this Christmas season.

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