Oh, The Things You Say

I wish I could remember all the funny, sweet things the kids have said over the past few months.  I always think that I need to remember to jot certain things down that they have said, but life is busy with four kids, and I often forget.  So tonight I want to take time to list just a few that I can remember.

1. Anna said to me one day, “Mom, you’re my BFF!” (Best Friend Forever)
2. I found a note at Anna’s desk where she wrote, “Mommy, I like your shirt.”
3. I love how Anna wants to dress like me and match me on Sunday mornings for church, will even try to change outfits last minute if she thinks she can make us look alike.  Her friend Georgia liked a shirt I was wearing one day.  Anna has one that is similar in design.  Anna and her decided Anna should stop playing and go inside to match me.  Georgia said happily when Anna came back out, “Good, now you look like your mommy.”  Oh, how sweet that Anna desires to match me now…key word “Now.”
4. I took all the kids with me to vote for our next President.  Dylan kept saying he wanted to ride also.  I assume he thought I was going on a BOAT.  Boy, was he disappointed when we got there!
5. I love how the kids call turtle pie, chicken pot pie.  I also love that they call grasshopper dessert, cricket dessert.
6. I love hearing Dylan flush the toilet and then hear his voice from the bathroom say, “Bye, Stinky!  See you in two weeks!” 
7.  I love how Dylan calls his pudding “Valella” for vanilla.
8.  Speaking of vanilla, I love how Cody tried to explain to Dylan what voting is. He explained it like having to choose between chocolate pudding and vanilla pudding.  I thought that was a pretty good, simplistic way of explaining it to a 3 year old.
9. When Shawn left for Canada, Dylan and I watched as his truck pulled away from our driveway.  Dylan said to me, “There goes Daddy on his way to the North Pole to see Santa.”  I asked him why he was going to see Santa, and Dylan giggled something about Santa needing a spankin’.  I don’t know where he came up with any of that.
10. I love how Abby points her finger at Dylan constantly, and says “Nooo.”  He woke her one day, and she lifted her tired head, pointed her finger, and scolded him for startling her awake.
11. I love Cody’s sense of humor.  He is getting this older boy humor that is so fun.  He is great to have older conversations with now.  Eight is a fun age.
12. When Cody got into our car for the trip to my parents’ house, he said, “I think I can even smell Grandpa!”  Shawn had brought a cup of coffee in the car, and Cody could smell it.  My dad loves his coffee; it was neat to see Cody associate that with my dad.Whenever I smell cut grass, it reminds me of him. (Smile)
13. Cody is always trying to figure out how things are made.  He asked me, in all seriousness, if it would be okay if he broke our television screen to see the inside of it.  Um, no. He also had ideas the other day how to make a toy design even better.  He asked, “Do you think I should write the company about my ideas?”
14. When Abby is getting into something she shouldn’t, I love hearing her say, “Oooh, A-bby.”
15. Right now Cody says he is afraid of the dark. Dylan is afraid of tornadoes, and I am not really sure what Anna is afraid of.  Perhaps, a day without seeing her friends!  She loves to be social!
16. Tonight, while caroling, Cody saw an older man join in with them in song.  Cody said he looked like he was thinking about something as he sang.  Then Cody told me that he wondered if he was asking Jesus into his heart.  Cody wants to spread the Gospel right now.

Below are photos from the park down the street from where Cody does martial arts. We go there sometimes while Cody is practicing. Abby LOVES playing outdoors.

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