That’s A Lot of Photos

I wanted to give a quick update on Cody. He still has continued to be completely free of any abdominal discomfort. I have a calendar where I wrote a note on the days he was not feeling well. Almost everyday was charted with discomfort. This went on day after day, and he has truly battled it for a long time. Then on November 20th I have written, “We prayed,” (I mean true surrendered prayer) and since that day the calendar is blank! Amazing, right! Tonight Cody prayed again, thanking God. We went for more bloodwork on the 28th, and his hemoglobin count was around 13.7, and his sedrate level went from a 52 to a 5! Amazing! On the 29th Cody went in to swallow his pill cam. The pill was huge, but he was able to get it down! He was proud of that, rightly so. We should find out tomorrow the results. Cody had to wear a belt around himself that had a bag attached with equipment to store the pictures that were taken of the small intestines. It took 80,000 photos in 8 hours! Here are some photos I took while at the hemotologist’s office. They have the neatest place and the most gentle, caring staff around.

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