You’re My Girl

Trying to be more diligent to record the memorable things the kids say and do, I wanted to write down some things tonight that I especially want to remember some day…

~A couple weeks ago as I tucked Dylan in for his nap, he asked me if I would lay beside him as he fell asleep.  I did, and as we lay there quietly for a few minutes, I felt his little three year old arm wrap around me, and he says, oh so sweetly, “Mommy, I’m your boy, and you’re my girl.”  Needless to say, my heart melted instantly!

~The other night at dinner Anna got up from her chair and whispered in my ear (she felt silly to have Shawn hear her I think.)  She said to me in an adoring sort of way, “Mommy, sometimes I just think that Daddy can fix anything.”  I thought that was so sweet of her to think that way of her daddy.  I remember thinking that of my dad when I was little also.

~I love how Dylan calls things that are beautiful “prettiful!”

~Several months ago whenever Dylan didn’t want to do something he was told to do he would say to us, “You are sooo (long pause) cute!”  He controlled himself from saying anything ugly, but I was pretty sure “cute” was meant to be substituted for “mean.”  Ha!

~Last night we went to our neighbor’s home for a neighborhood holiday party.  While we were all gathered around the table, Dylan came up and exclaimed, “Mommy,  you are so AWESOME!”  And I am pretty sure that compliment was sincere!

~I got to witness Cody actually blush for the first time last night at our neighborhood holiday party.  A mother and her teenage daughter were chatting away to Cody (for everyone to hear) about how they are always talking about Cody being one of the most good-looking boys they have seen!  They told some other women and me this earlier as well. They didn’t hold back on the compliments, and it made Cody a little rosy in the cheeks!  I thought as I was going to sleep last night how sweet those ladies were to tell this to an eight year old boy.  I remember Pastor Bob preaching a message on parenting and what kids need to hear from their parents.  He said he has heard parents say, “Well..I don’t want to tell my kids they are beautiful or praise them because they might get a big head.”  Our pastor stressed, “Tell them!”   Because for every one compliment you give them, the world is just waiting to throw out a barrage of criticism that will just tear them down.  Praise your kids.  And I actually teared up last night as I thought of these sweet words from this mother and daughter, and they have no idea just how much it meant.

I took a few photos after we got home from church today of Dylan and Abby all gussied up!  Aren’t they just precious?!

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