And The Potty Training Begins!

Abby is just peeking in to say that she went potty on her big girl potty for the first time today!! ~ January 16, 2013

I also thought I would share some things Dylan has said this week…
~ Dylan asked me to put his watch on for him that Grandpa gave him.  He loves to wear it, but, for some reason, after he had it on for a couple minutes, he says to me seriously, “Actually, I don’t want to wear it.  It is giving me a wedgie.”  Oh my!
~Yesterday while playing UNO, Cody and Anna would talk tough and say to each other, “There…that’s yoouurr payback!” whenever laying a Draw 2 or Draw 4 card down.  Dylan helped me lay a good card down on the stack, and he says to Cody and Anna in his toughest-sounding voice, “There, that’s your piggy back!”  Dylan had no clue, and Cody and Anna burst into laughter.
Today, as I was brushing Dylan’s hair, I told him to stand still.  He replied something like, “Okay, I will stand still, Soldier!”  That caught me off guard. I don’t know where he has heard that before.  Maybe Toy Story???
We picked up the kids’ ornaments that they painted at the Painting Paw.  They LOVED them! 

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