Big Girl Bed

I wanted to share some things going on around here lately.  Abigail is no longer sleeping in a crib.  While at my parents’ house at Christmas she climbed out of her playpen.   Then when we came home she climbed out of/fell out of her crib during naptime.  Shawn and I agreed that the obvious thing to do was to be completely done with a crib.  She could easily break her neck from the fall.  Somehow, though, it seemed CRAZY the idea of not having a 19 month old contained and almost like punishment to the parents!  Can you imagine a 19 month old with freedom to get up at will?!!  Frazzling to think about!  We even had a brief moment of doubt at bedtime and put her in her crib just to see how difficult the height would be for her to climb.  It looked impossible until she began doing this…

Needless to say, we gave up the crib, and, I must say, she is doing awesome.  The first naptime seemed like an episode of Super Nanny, but now she does fantastic.  She falls asleep on her own at bedtime, and at naptime I sit with her for 5 minutes or so until she drifts off to sleep.  She is a good girl.

Some other highlights include Anna losing a tooth 2 nights before New Year’s Day.  She also lost a tooth during her first choir night of the new year.  They served popcorn to celebrate “popping” back into choir for the new year.  Anna popped her tooth out in the process!  And, I must say, whoever thought velcro on a tooth pillow was a good idea must have thought this tooth fairy has nerves of steel.  They were obviously mistaken…I am sooo terrified of getting caught!  Even, though, Anna knows the tooth fairy is me, she still wants me to sneak in at night and see if she can catch me. Also, Cody and Anna can now blow bubbles while chewing bubble gum.  They are proud of that achievement!

Some sweet things they have said…

~ Anna told me tonight as I tucked her into bed, “Mommy, you know my favorite song to sing in Big Church?”  She told me the lyrics to it, “His love never fails.  It never gives up.  It never runs out on me.”  Then she leaned in and whispered, “Sometimes it makes me cry.”  Shawn laughed when I told him what she said.  He said, “She’s SO you.”  She is my daughter, and sometimes she feels like a little friend.  I LOVE her!

~ I love how Anna tells us how we are the best mom or dad she has ever had in her entire life!  Ha!

~ I love how Cody sings his heart out in Big Church.  No shame, no embarrassment.  I love it!  He got so excited when Joey sang the song “Ten Thousand Reasons” in church.  Cody sang from the balcony with all his heart, “Bless the Lord, oh my soul, o-o-o my soul!”  I love it.  He sang with us at the Christmas Eve service, and Aunt Kelli let him know it was a highlight of her New Year to hear him.  Thanks, Kelli!  That meant a lot to him!

~ I love that Anna told me at dinner that she thinks I make the best meals ever.  I am happy for her grateful heart.

~ I am blessed when I hear my children making right choices even when I may not be around or when peer pressure is present.  I am encouraged by their boldness and desire to stand for what is right when they think noone is watching.  I heard once that sometimes it is easy to worry about who your kids will become that you forget to see who they are.  I am proud of my guys and love them so much.

(Cody and his friend (also named Cody) from martial arts playing at the park)

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