It’s A Blizzard Out Here

We got our first snowfall the other day. The kids couldn’t wait to get out and play in it! The funny thing is, the amount we got is NOTHING compared to what we got on a regular basis in Ohio, but these St. Louis kids take what they can get, and are just THRILLED with any amount of snowflakes that fall! The next day, after even more snow had melted, their friend Georgia came over in her snowsuit and boots and gloves to see if they wanted to come out and play in the snow with her. So Cody and Anna also headed for their snowsuits and boots which just makes me laugh to think about it because the grass was very visible in our yard! My dad called me while they were suiting up, and when I told him what they were doing he said, “Now that’s an optimist!” Ha, I guess so! My favorite photo I think is Dylan on his belly on the sled. I don’t think he was barely even moving, but his face looks like he is going for a wild ride!

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