Bear-Bear And A Funny Boy

Abigail has a favorite bear, and she carries it around everywhere. She fell asleep with it in her highchair at lunch today, and she even had it with her when she went potty on her big girl potty seat today. Bear-Bear cheered her on as she sat there! Really, though, I have probably only set Abby on her potty seat maybe 5 or 6 times now. She is still young, but I thought it would be good to start introducing it. So if I see she has a dry diaper or notice she needs to go I take her. She was so delighted with herself today and clapped for herself. She was just so pleased! But I thought it was so funny when, afterwards, I gave her a Hershey Kiss chocolate as a reward. Dylan got one also, and then he wanted more. I told him if Abby goes again later we’ll get more. He asked me again anyways. I responded, in a little more convincing tone, “Dylan, that’s not how it works.” I chuckled when he answered back, “Well, that’s how it COULD work.”  He keeps me laughing!

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