Disney Dazzle And Dessert

This past Saturday was just fantastic! I bought tickets to take Cody, Anna, and Dylan to watch the Young Peoples Theater present their Disney Dazzle and Dessert show. At first, I just got tickets for Anna and me because I wasn’t sure the boys would want to go, but when they found out there would be desserts to eat throughout the whole show they were jumping at the idea! We went and had a fabulous time! A friend of mine was there with her daughter who is in Cody’s class at church and lives in our neighborhood. We sat together and enjoyed the performance. The different Disney characters kept coming to our table to ask if we wanted more to drink or eat. They talked with the kids and got their pictures taken with the children.  Cody and Anna were excited because they know a couple of the girls in the show.  Here they are with Emily and a few other characters…

The length of the show was perfect for young ages.  I knew it was about time to wrap it up when Dylan kept turning to me saying, “Mom, take a picture of this!”…

 After the performance we got pictures with some of the characters in the lobby.  Cinderella’s stepsisters kept asking Cody if he would be their prince and if they could get a hug.  I think Cody was mortified!  He told me when he saw them approaching that he thought to himself, “This is going to be trouble!”  Ha!

It will be so fun to take Abigail in a year or two!  I know she will just love it!

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