I Want To Be A Superhero

I think I’d like to be Spiderman
He can climb and make his own web.
Or the Hulk with those really strong muscles
Maybe I’ll be him instead
Or maybe I could be Wonderwoman
She’s pretty and wears a crown!!!
Or maybe I could be Batman!
He drives that neat car around town.
Or what if I was a REAL hero?
A teacher or a nurse?
I could teach little kids in Sunday school
And give to others out of my purse.
I could sit with the kids who have no friends
And be kind to the ones who cry.
I could care about how people feel
And comfort them when they feel shy.
I could go to Africa and tell people about my King!
I could write songs about Jesus and travel around and sing.
Or I could have the biggest mission of all
One that is HUGE though sometimes seems small.
I could be a mom or dad and raise my kids to see
That superheroes can be people just like you and me.
(We went to superhero night at our Chick-fil-A last night and had a fun time. Cody and Anna got seated by a sweet mom and her teenage son.  They talked with the kids and laughed with them the whole time.  I love running into such sweet people!)
~Poem by Kelly Stamps and tweaked a bit by me

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