School Easter Party

Good Friday we had our school Easter party with four other families.  It was amazing!  As Cody said on the drive home, “Mom, it just always turns out to be so much fun whenever we go to Mrs. Angie’s house.”  Our parties are fun, and the kids play sooo well together!  I feel so incredibly blessed to have such sweet friends to share holiday parties with.  We made parachute bunny Peeps while there and dropped them from Angie’s balcony.  It was muddy outside, so we decided to do the parachutes inside.  The kids loved it just the same, I think.  We did an egg drop, played an egg relay match game, made grass animal cups, had an Easter egg hunt, and made chick Peeps smore’s.  I also painted foam eggs with the preschoolers and told the story of Easter with the Resurrection eggs.  It took Abigail awhile before she would quit painting; she loved it so much! We had breakfast casseroles, muffins, and fruit for lunch.  The weather was beautiful.  The kids loved playing both
inside and outside. All the kids came in at one point, and I caught them playing Just Dance. It was so funny watching them gathered around downstairs, arms waving and shaking!  It was such a happy celebration!

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