The Show Must Go On

We had tickets to the circus yesterday.  Cody and Anna had each invited a friend to come with us. However,  the weather changed greatly overnight, so Colton and Avery’s parents kept them home.  We got at least a foot of snow, but Shawn felt confident we would be fine in our 4-wheel drive.  We made it there just fine and had a good time.  Cody was given some snake skin from the snake handler before the show.  He was in boy heaven!  During intermission the kids wanted to get their photo with the performing dogs.  They thought they were just the cutest things.  After the photo Abigail laid her head on the dog beside her; she had fallen in love!  We saw so many great performances.  In fact, one still has Shawn and me baffled as to how they did it…the quick change artists!  There was also a contortionist who managed to fit himself into a small box.  He was extremely limber and flexible that it was almost too bizarre to watch; I say that seriously!  The tigers and bears performed, and we got to see the elephants up close.  The kids laughed hysterically at the clown on the trampoline.  He put on quite the comedy act, and the kids ate it up!  It turned out to be a fun evening with very few people there due to the weather.  I had hopes we would be the only ones at the show, and we would be given backstage access to see everything up close and personal but no such luck.  Shawn laughed, but a girl can always dream!

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