Will I Melt

The kids wanted to play out in the snow the other day.  Anna asked if she had to wear her snowsuit since the snow was beginning to melt.  Dylan suddenly got concerned and looked at me with scrunched eyebrows and worried eyes and asked, “But, Mommy, am I going to melt out there too?”  He asked me even later, “Mommy, will the snow melt me away too?”  The worries of a little boy!

Okay, the other day I was getting school papers ready for Cody and Anna when I hear a thud a few feet from me.  The small dresser/ chest of drawers in our downstairs fell ON TOP OF ABIGAIL! The top of the piece of furniture had fallen on Abby’s side, pinning her down.  I rushed over, lifted it off of her, and carefully picked her up.  I immediately began praying out loud for her to be alright.  I guess this freaked Abby out a little because she said to me emphatically, “Mommy, stop it.  Stop, Mommy.  No, Mommy. Stop!”  Nothing like causing more panic, huh?  I saw a sign the other day that said, “Sometimes I just look up, smile, and say, ‘I know that was you, God!  Thanks!'”  I can remember a time in Abby’s highchair where she could wiggle out of her strap in it.  She began to fall, and, literally, an angel, or God himself, had to be holding her there.  Physically there was no way for her to have stayed in, and I think of this sign…Thank you, God, for watching over these small ones in our care…and over ME!  I know you are present!

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