Field Day 2013

Last Thursday we finished school for the year!  Yahoo!  We spent Friday with friends for our track and field day.  We had a water balloon toss, an egg race, three-legged race, tug of war, and so much more!  Some of the boys were hesitant about being on the girls’ team for tug of war.  Kristen teased her son by saying, “And how many pull-ups did you do?” in reference to our Presidential Fitness Challenge we had earlier in the month…Our gymnastics girls managed to pull themselves up more than some of the boys.  Ha, a little, friendly competition!  Anyways, our girls must have amazing arm strength because they managed to beat the team with all boys!  The first game of tug-of-war the girls had two older boys with them to even out numbers.  They won by a landslide.  The second game the girls got two younger, smaller boys and still won.  These girls are tiny but mighty!  They were so pleased afterwards!  Cody didn’t get to participate in tug-of-war this year because he just got his cast taken off the day before.  The doctor said to take it easy on his wrist for about 2 more weeks.  That didn’t stop him from having fun, though! It was a FANTASTIC way to end the school year!

I wanted to add, on the last day of school I took the kids out for ice cream to celebrate.  Cody and Anna were so excited about their day for these reasons they mentioned to me in the car:

1. Cody got his cast off

2. It was the last day of school

3. They were getting ice cream

4. Anna had gymnastics

5 YOU! (pointing to me)  They make this mommy feel very, very loved…LOVE these guys!