On Your Mark…Get Set…

Last week we had our spring Presidential Fitness Program for school.  Cody and Anna both achieved national and presidential placements in every area.  Afterwards, we had a picnic at the park with our friends and finished up our pull-ups at the monkey bars at the park.  Anna is so strong from gymnastics that she actually made the presidential placement for pull-ups for her age group.  Cody, of course, did not participate in pull-ups with his wrist being broken, but he did use his cast to his advantage…The water part of the park was already turned on for the summer, and since we did not have our swimsuits with us my friends and I debated whether to let the kids get soaked in the water.  Cody, the little lawyer, says to me, “Mom, you do know the doctor said I need to get my cast wet everyday, so I probably should get in the water.”  Ha!  Since the DOCTOR said!  We had fun, and we got our first suntans of the season.