Sweeter Than Honey

Today I want to record some more of the funny and sweet things the kids have said recently.  These are for my memory to be able to cherish as they grow older…

Anna looked down in deep thought as I brushed her hair the other day.  Then she let her thoughts escape, “Mommy, you’re lucky because you already have children.”  (She has thought for so long how being a mommy would be so fun.)  I smiled at her and told her that, yes, I was pretty lucky.  Then Anna went on to say, “And, well, Daddy’s lucky too because he also has children.”  Then in a serious, most sincere voice she says to me, “And Daddy is really lucky because he has you.”  Wow!  That touched my heart!

Dylan told me the other day, “Mommy, I just love you too much!”

Dylan asked me to lay with him at naptime the other afternoon.  As I slipped under the sheets next to him he reached for my hand and said, “Hold hands together.”  He fell asleep holding on to my hand.

Dylan told me, “Mommy, you’re precious.”  (I am not sure if I ever recorded that one.)

Cody and I ran into a man that we know while at the gas station.  We had just had Chinese food the night before, so as were leaving the gas station, Cody says to me, “Mom, Mr. Jim said he had “cat rangoon,” and we had “cat rangoon” yesterday!”  I think what he means is crab rangoon, or we are seriously switching Chinese restaurants!

I had a great conversation with Cody in the car several weeks ago.  He asked me, out of nowhere, if his friend Michael is saved.  I told him I didn’t know, and he proceeded to tell me how he would like to tell him and his family about Jesus.  He thought if he just told them about Jesus they would want Him as their Savior too.  Then he went on to talk about all the things he could be when he grows up…a missionary, an artist, policeman, astronaut, teacher, etc.  He went on to tell me why he would be good at these jobs.  He later said, “I am just good at so many things; I don’t know what God will want me to be.”  I love that he feels confident in his abilities, and I love that he is seeking God’s direction in his life.  God has great plans for him!

Anna wrote me a note thanking me for taking care of her and feeding her, etc.   She ended, “That is very nice of you.”  That made me smile.

Dylan kept talking about the “tomato siren” the other day (A.K.A. tornado siren).  Ha!

In the parking lot the other day, Dylan reached for my hand and said, “Mommy, I love you, and you love me.”  Aah, I LOVE these moments!!!