Forget Me Not

A list of some of the things the kids have said recently…

1. Anna and I were about to play a game together.  Before she left the room to get the game, she turned to me, pointed,  and said, “Real quick, Mom…I’m really glad God made you.”  I asked her what she was thinking about just then, and she said, “I just really love you,  and you’re a lot of fun.”  Aww!  This touched my heart more than you’ll ever know, Anna!

2. Cody grabbed my hand the other day and told me to close my eyes as he led me to a surprise for me.  There on the kitchen table he had spelled out, “I love you!” out of light brights.  Just when I wondered if his ripe age of 9 was going to stop any of the sweet, sentimental gestures!  I love this boy so much!

3. Today Cody and Anna surprised me with some of their artwork and chocolate candy taped all over the back side of it.  They know I have a weakness for chocolate!

4. Dylan told me at breakfast yesterday morning, “Mommy, I tried to drink a lot of milk to make me burp.”  (We really don’t encourage this behavior.)  Then he bowed his head and said in a perplexed manner, “What am I going to do with myself?”  Funny kid!

5. We went shopping at Target the other day.  As we got closer to the doors, we hear Dylan shout, “Look, I’m on Wipeout!” He was sitting on top of Target’s big, red balls and was referring to the game show Wipeout, famous for their obstacle courses using big, red balls.  The man standing near us must watch the show because he got a chuckle out of Dylan!

6. I was in my room getting my swimsuit to take to the pool with the kids when Anna came in and whispered in my ear, “Mommy, I’m glad God made you.”  I am beginning to think her love language may be quality time!

7. Cody was concerned that I wasn’t going to be able to go to the swimming pool the other day with him.  He told me how much he wanted me to go and cheered when he found out I was going.  At the age of nine he has spent half of his years at home almost…I am glad he enjoys this time together!

8. Anna told me, “Mommy, I really wish Grandma and Grandpa lived on one side of our house and Nana and Pap lived on the other side.  Then Daddy could go over to Nana and Pap’s, and you could go over to Grandma and Grandpa’s, and we could just talk, and that would be so fun!”

9. Anna wrote me a note that read, “I hope you have a great day today. I love you so very much. And you are the best.  You just fill my day with joy!  I just really love you.  And I hope you like the flower.”  She is pure sweetness!

10. I called our pediatrician’s office the other day to schedule Cody, Anna, and Abigail’s yearly checkups.  Dr. Mueller told me last time I was in the office that I could schedule all three appointments at one time to save me multiple trips.  However, when I called to set up the appointment the lady at the appointment desk transferred me to the nurse.  Then the nurse told me she would have to contact our pediatrician about scheduling them all at once.  Our pediatrician was out on vacation, so the nurse got my number to call me back.  When I did hear back from the office, the woman on the other end said, “Dr. Mueller must really LOVE your kids because she said, `I will see those kids ANY time!  You don’t even have to ask me about scheduling them all at one time!`”  So I am under the impression that the office does not typically schedule more than one or two appointments from the same family at the same appointment time.  That encouraged my heart to know our doctor has such good opinions of Cody, Anna, Dylan, and Abby.  This totally blessed me to hear this!

11. As Shawn was getting Abigail dressed to leave for our trip to Arkansas, she asked, “Where are we going?”  Shawn said,  “Crazy.”  Abby responded in her cute two year old voice, “Seriously?”

12. I thought I would share this last thing in case my kids might enjoy reading this when they are parents!…A few weeks ago I was having trouble sleeping several nights in a row.  Then the third night Cody had a severe ear infection.  I slept with him in his room to help give comfort.  We got 2 hours of sleep that night.  I took him to the doctor the next day, and I, literally, thought that I probably shouldn’t even be operating a vehicle that day with as little sleep as I had.  Well, we had our appointment (I took all four kids).  As we were leaving the doctor’s office to head to the pharmacy I didn’t see Abby anywhere.  Did she walk out ahead of us?  Did she go left or right?  My doctor’s partner was sitting right across from our room, just a few feet from us, so I tried to be discreet in looking for my child that I had just lost in a matter of a few seconds.  I peeked in the rooms to the left that had their doors open.  From the angle that I looked in I didn’t see her.  If she didn’t go to the right then I would have to backtrack and continue my search near this doctor’s office.  I discreetly whisper to Cody, Anna, and Dylan standing there with me, waiting for me, “Do you guys know where Abby went?”  They looked so confused.  Did they not hear me correctly??  I ask again in a hushed tone.  I will never forget the look on their faces, “Mommy, you’re holding her.”  Obviously, I do not function well on little sleep!

13. Dylan sometimes likes to tell me, “Mommy, you’re handsome!”