Juggling Jeff and Chick-fil-A

I don’t know about everyone else, but I love finding fun, inexpensive things to do in our area throughout the summer.  There are really so many great opportunities available; it’s a shame not to take advantage of them.  The other day we went to the library to see Juggling Jeff.  We knew several friends who were going, and I am so glad one of them encouraged us to sneak in/come in last minute!  Cody and Anna especially loved it!  We also enjoyed breakfast at our Chick-fil-A.  They were offering a great deal on Tuesdays, buy one drink and get your meal free.  We bought five meals and five drinks for a total of $4.50!  I don’t think many people were aware of the deal because there were only a few elderly ladies and a couple men in there.  What a great deal!  The kids played in the play area afterwards.  They played a lot of hide-and-seek.  Abby would keep raising her hands up by her face questioning, “Where’d they go?”  She looked so cute!