Little Fish

We have been spending a lot of our time at the pool this summer.  The kids are all at great ages for me to take while Shawn is at work.  I think every time we go to our subdivision pool we run into friends which makes pool time so much more fun!  The boys love to torment the girls by blasting them with water from their water toys.  Dylan is loving practicing his swimming using the foam noodles.  He loves it!  Anna went to a birthday party at the pool a couple weeks ago and showed us that her swimming is also improving.  She planned on going down the yellow slide.  She can touch at the bottom.  Instead, she went right instead of left and ended up on the blue slide, which the water is well above Shawn’s head at the bottom.  It startled her when she realized her mistake, but she swam back out of necessity.  I think she was very proud of herself!  And yesterday we had to leave the pool ASAP.  Dylan said he smelled a stinky diaper.  I knew it was Abby.  Let’s just say, water and stinky diapers don’t mix well; by the time we made it to the car it was quite a disaster.  We tried to find the humor in it, but I was reminded of the moment before we left the pool when one of the kids accidentally dropped the soap dispenser into the toilet.  Yep, some days we have those things, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything!  Honestly.  Love my little guys SO MUCH!!