Skate Galaxy

My friend Lori had a birthday celebration for all six of her children yesterday at the skating rink.  She rented out the whole place, so it was so enjoyable getting to skate without having to watch out for a ton of other crazy skaters!  The kids all enjoyed themselves so much.  They played games on the rink and had a crafts table for the kids and push toys for the little ones.  Abby kept saying she wanted her own skates, so Shawn got her some and took her around the rink.  Talk about a workout for him, but Abby couldn’t stop smiling!  It was fun for Shawn and me to also get to skate a bit.  It was fun getting to feel like kids again…I asked him if he wanted to couple skate!  By the end of the time there, Cody, Anna, and Dylan were feeling so much more confident on the rink.  Cody is now asking for his own pair of roller skates, and Dylan is determined that he just needs to “practice, practice, practice.”  He was so proud of himself!