Little Rembrandts

Today I got to spend a lot of extra time with Dylan and Abigail.  It was fun getting to spend time focusing on what they enjoy.  Sometimes it seems like younger children can get overshadowed by their big siblings.  I want to soak up their young years too while still doing “big kid” things.  This morning we went to the pool, and, apparently, a mama duck and her very tiny ducklings also decided it was a good day for a swim.  The lifeguards spent about 25 minutes trying to get them out of the adult pool when we arrived.  My kids loved watching this.  Finally, the baby ducks were able to make it out of the pool, and Dylan and Abby shouted their goodbyes to them.  Dylan thought they were so adorable; he said he wanted to keep one.  Dylan and Abby also found a lizard hiding out under the lost and found box while at the pool.  This kept them entertained for quite awhile as they watched it poke its head out repeatedly.  Abby kept saying, “It’s cute!”  Then tonight, Shawn took Cody and Anna out to a friend’s house, so I painted with Dylan and Abby.  They don’t get to paint nearly as much as Cody and Anna did at their ages.  So it was nice.  We played Superman as I flew them around on my feet in the air.  We read Bible stories and talked about God’s great plan of salvation.  And Abby managed to only have one accident in her big girl panties today.  It was nice.  I felt like I really got to relish in their tiny years tonight.  My heart is full!