We Shall See Jesus

I am sharing again some cuteness before I forget…

I laughed (because I relate) when my friend mentioned that the United States military should have stuck a bunch of toddlers on the team to search out Osama Bin Laden.  She said it doesn’t matter if she crawls in a dark corner in her basement for a moment of calm and silence…they (her boys) will track her every move, they will hunt her down, they WILL find her!  This week I sneaked into the bathroom, trying not to let Abby see me.  Five seconds later I hear her yell out to Dylan, “Dylan, I lost Mommy!”  Oh, this is sooooo my life right now, and I really do know how blessed I am to have this, even if it does get a little crazy.  Dylan and Abby (especially Abby with her age right now) love to be right by my side.  Abby also “lost” me one other time this week, and tonight Shawn came home from work, greeted her with hugs and kisses, and then slipped upstairs to change clothes.  I soon heard Abby in a sad, slightly panicked tone, “Mommy, I lost Daddy!”

Anna the other day decided to wear her dressy turquoise blue sandals out.  Dylan came to me very seriously and said, “Mommy, is Anna too young to wear those shoes?”  He will keep her modest!

At church this week Cody drew a picture.  It was of Jesus in the sun with the light of Heaven shining in the sky.  He drew our church and tons of birds flying up toward Jesus.  He drew a tomb with a stone rolled away on the ground with three crosses on the other side.  He drew many, many people rising to meet Jesus in the air.  On the back he wrote, “List of people in Heaven.”  Below that was Nanny’s name.  That touched me to see this.  And I am so very thankful that Cody’s name is written in God’s book and that someday we will join Nanny again!