Preschool Praise and Hunting

Two Sundays ago, Cody and Anna had the opportunity to lead worship in the preschool and kindergarten department at church.  They are both in worship arts this year, and one of their top three choices they picked when the choir year started was Preschool Praise.  They have committed to leading worship one Sunday a month for the first semester.  Cody was leaving right after that to go on his first hunting trip with Shawn and a friend, so we waited there and got to watch them lead the kids in worship that morning.  I watched as Dylan’s class came into the room, and I watched as Dylan’s face lit up over seeing his brother and sister at the front of the class waiting to sing with him!  Dylan looked all around, wanting so badly to tell someone, wanting to shout out, “That’s MY big brother and sister!”  His pride and excitement was just so sweet!  Cody and Anna sang some lively, fun songs with the kids that morning.  There were puppets and a story, and, afterwards,  their Preschool Praise team was brought up to sing another song to the children.  The music slowed, and I sat out in the hallway as I listened to them sing the words to the song Anna’s choir sang last year that touched my heart so much…

“We believe, Jesus is the Son of God.

We believe, He came to save us on the cross,

And there’s a need for all the world to know His love.

We believe that His love is big enough.

I want you to know Him.

I want you to love Him like I do,

And to know how much He loves you too.

We believe…”

What an awesome, powerful thing for Cody and Anna to share with these little kids.  What an amazing thing they are doing planting seeds in the lives of these kids!  “Let no man despise thy youth…”

After they were done leading worship, Cody left with Shawn to  meet his friend Noble and his dad Kevin to go hunting.  They saw turkey and deer, but they were too far away.  Maybe next time.  They rode 4-wheelers, went fishing, and just had a good time spending the day together.  Blessed!