Always A Volunteer

We went with friends this week to see Nitro Joe (or Nitro Joke as Abby calls him).  He does some fun science for the kids and loves audience participation.  Nitro Joe asked, “Who doesn’t mind a cup of water being poured on their head?”  Cody’s hand shot up immediately, so Nitro Joe picked him to come up and help with his science demonstration.  Cody loved it and received some pretty cool stone magnets for participating.  Dylan covered his ears constantly as he sat in the front row with fire shooting out of various objects and other “dangerous” things taking place.  The last experiment we were warned of a loud explosion.  I looked from the back of the room, and I saw Dylan mouth to me with a worried face, “I want to be with you.”  I motioned for him to walk back to me, and, boy, did his face look relieved when he got permission!  After the show, Cody asked  me excitedly if he could get his photo with Nitro Joe, so we did.  As we were leaving we saw Nitro Joe getting into his vehicle.  My guys were happily waving to him.  He has no idea how much joy he brought to their day!