Fall Party 2013

Cody and Anna had their fall party with their school group last Friday.  I wasn’t able to get photos of all the activities because I was helping at various other stations.  One of the things that we did was bob for donuts.  I planned that game.  I have really wanted to play bob for apples, but Cody is very germ conscious, and I knew if even one child came with a runny nose that would completely do him in!  I planned a pumpkin seed spitting contest.  Cody and Anna said that was their favorite game.  I didn’t get to watch it, but my friend Angie called my name and shouted, “You have two winners over here!”  Apparently, Cody and Anna could spit their seeds the farthest of any of the other children…Proud mama right here!  Ha!  The school agers made their own Mayflower ships and after lunch raced them.  We made turkey cupcakes, turkey crafts, played a Thanksgiving bingo game, a balloon game, a spider web game, turkey bowling, bean bag pumpkin toss,  and read Thanksgiving stories.  Anna and Cody passed out their school photos, and the kids all played outside after the party and sipped hot cider.  I can not say enough how much I LOVE our friends!  God has blessed our school years more than I  could ever have imagined!